Current Seeuferhause stud dogs:

Clyde is our german import. He currently lives with us at Seeuferhause and in many ways is the current back bone of our breeding program. He has combined exceptionally well with our previous stud dog Doc. Clyde is producing dogs with thicker nerve whilst maintaining the high drive that we seek in our working rottweilers.

Seeuferhause Varus, aka Viper is another in house Seeuferhause stud dog. He is one of Clyde’s sons, and a maternal grandson of Doc. Viper is an extremely dominant male who is definitely a one man dog. We have a few litters on the ground from Viper now and eagerly anticipate their development.

Seeuferhause Isaac, aka Bear is the of my first stud dog Rotvel Aussie Tzachmark, and is a product of the Rotvel breeding program created by Ms. Joy Belles. Bear is also the product of a pedigree line bred on the famous Graf/Felix combination through the very famous Australian bred Wallkuer “C” litter. High drive, yet stable and safe with children makes Bear the ultimate family companion. Bear is owned and lives with Daniel Ramadan of the Vonkoutz rottweiler kennel.

Seeuferhause Quantus, aka Zeus is the latest addition to Seeuferhause current studs. He is owned and lives with Mr. Jay Paterson in the ACT. Zeus is an extreme dog, with super high drives. his obedience is flashy and his protection work is for real and explosive. We are expecting his first litter mid October 2012 with great anticipation.