DOB: 1/07/2002 – RIP March 2011
Hips: (1,1)
Elbows: (0, 0)
Dentition: Complete and Correct
Sire: REM (imp SWITZ)
Dam: Rotvel Aussie Nook
Yang is a large substantial bitch.
Yang has a feminine strong head, dark eyes and mouth pigmentation. Yang has good bone, excellent colours and markings, and is very muscular. She is athletic and energetic.
Yang is extreme in prey drive and will chase a ball till she drops. Yang is an extreme athlete. She runs like a greyhound and can easily clear a 5ft fence. She is territorial, aggressive and posseses a full calm grip. Yang is great with our family but shows mistrust to strangers.
Line breeding:
None in the first 5 generations