DOB: 25/10/2016
Weight: 35kgs
Hips: R2 : L3
Elbows: R0 : L0
Dentition: Complete / Correct
Eyes: Normal / Similar
DNA profiled and JLPP clear (see report below)
Sire: BAKKO van Thuredrecht, BH, AD, IPOIII (imp Holland via USA)
Dam: Seeuferhause RANGER
A huge thank you and gratitude to my mentor Joy Belles for raising this beautiful girl for me. Now 80 yrs young, Joy has turned her attention to raising our Drago vom Tanneneck x Seeuferhause Esky daughter; Seeuferhause Sovil Fee – thanks again Joy!!
Xette comes to us via way of artificial insemination.
Xette’s sire comes from the prestigious Dutch working kennel van Thuredrecht. This kennel has a reputation for producing extremely hard working rottweilers. Bakko’s sire line is one that I have followed for years and when an opportunity arose to acquire the frozen semen and import to Australia I jumped! Bakko is owned, has been raised and trained by Kathleen Sanderson in the USA. Kathleen is a high level IPO competitor and has had great success with Bakko (aka Phry).
Xette’s dam is one of our most exceptional working bitches; Seeuferhause Ranger. Ranger brings huge amounts of drive & nerve strength to the table, intensity and overall working ability!
Xette is a very promising young rottweiler – a nice female, with good pigmentation and functional conformation. She is energetic and enthusiastic. She is an intense female with balanced drives and an open social character.
We anticipate she will be a great addition to our future brood bitch stocks.
Line breeding:
Ulix vom Turnleberg (3 – 4)