My good friend and very talented K9 trainer / breeder Mr Kris Kotsopoulos has finally released his very first book…topic – TRACKING. Tracking is a complicated discipline but Kris has a way of making it quite simple to understand. Try the easy to follow steps and before you know it you and your pooch will […]
Yesterday was a significant day…..we completed the second natural mating of Clyde and Zena . We have been attempting this breeding for at least 2yrs now. We had a successful breeding the first time when Zena was confirmed pregnant however aborted the pregnancy in the devastating heat of Black Saturday. To say that we are […]
Quarterly newsletter – Edition 2 8/9/2010 …from the editor I trust this edition of Seeuferhause News find all and sundry well. Those of us in Melbourne are struggling with one of the coldest and wettest winters in recent memory. Dogs don’t seem to mind it though – there are a couple of mud monsters in […]
UPDATE – THE FONZ HAS NOW FOUND AN EXCELLENT NEW HOME. I just spoke with his new owners and they tell me he is settling in very well and they are thrilled to bits with him. Very soon they will commence attending an obedience club with him, although fonze is an obedient dog the activity […]
Seeuferhause Lynx DOB: 12/10/2008 Hips/Elbows: Not xrayed as yet, however can be completed for new owners Dentition: Complete / Correct Seeuferhause Lynx (aka Bear) Sire: Siegertal Uri (Rasmus vom Turnleberg, Imp GMY X Siegertal Qkizzie) Dam: Seeuferhause Aska (Hannes vom Junkertal, Imp GMY X Rotvel Aussie Viggi) Bear is medium to large in size, has […]
Quarterly newsletter – Edition 1 28/4/2010 …from the editor Welcome to the first edition of the Seeuferhause Rottweilers quarterly newsletter. This is my way of staying in touch with the many people that either has subscribed via the website or many others that have made direct contact with me over the years. The newsletter will […]
Seeuferhause Rottweilers has launched a range of t-shirts and caps which are available for all to buy. They can be found on our prodcuts page
UPDATE – …remember WILLY, well he’s a big boy now!!!! Now 11mths old and weighing approx 50kg, Willy is more of a beast than he was at 8 weeks when we sold him. High drive and extremely confident Willy is everything we want Seeuferhause Rottweilers to be known for. I am certainly looking forward to […]
MICROCHIPPING At Seeuferhause we believe in the integrity of our breeding program and as such support all measures that allow for the traceability of our pedigrees. One such process is that of, microchipping. This however poses an issue that as breeders of performance animals we need to be mindful of – PAIN. The microchipping process […]
It’s not everyday that we hear news of the good things that rottweilers do. Here’s an article for all to read and share that shows the true character of the rottweilers.