vonkoutz PANZA (aka BOSS)
DOB: 17/02/2012
Weight: 42kgs
Hips: R2 : L4
Elbows: R0 : L0
Dentition: Correct / Complete
DNA Profiled & JLPP free
Sire: Seeuferhause ISAAC (Rotvel Aussie Tzachmarck x Rotvel Aussie Viggi)
Dam: vonkoutz ADELINE (CLyde vom Tanneneck (imp GMY) x Guradstarz I Am Ruby)
Mature Boss…..
A younger Boss…..
Boss is the gateway to the rottweilers of the past!
Whilst he carries an alternative breeding prefix he is as much Seeuferhause as all of our other breeding dogs and represents some of the best that our kennel has to offer.
Boss brings the drive, power and open social nature of his sire Isaac, along with the clarity, strength and intense working ability of his maternal grand sire Clyde vom Tanneneck (imp GMY). He also provides a link to the tough old Guardstarz line which features prominently in some of our breeding lines.

Boss himself is an extremely powerful working male, with a crushing grip that can only come from an animal with a clear head, thick nerve and exceptionally strong temperament.
He is equally at home on the working field as he is setting hearts aflutter whilst strolling the South Melbourne Beach foreshore with his owner Mez. Boss can do it all!
Boss is proving to be a strong producer of the type of rottweiler we like in the limited breedings he has made for our kennel.
DNA Report