DOB: 24/04/2012 – 27/02/2016
Weight: 44kgs
Hips: 0:0
Elbows: 0:0
Dentition: Correct / Complete
Sire: Clyde vom Tanneneck (imp GMY)
Dam: Yultzen Matilda
OLEG (aka Ceasar) is one of the most intense, extreme male rottweilers produced by Seeuferhause.
Extreme drives in all facets, prey…. defense….. play…… territorial….. and on…and on….
Many speak of intensity in dogs they have seen or heard about – when you stand in front of Oleg you understand the meaning of the word intense!
This is not a dog for the inexperienced handler and defnitiely a one man dog! he cannot be underestimated in particular when “in the zone” so to speak. Oleg is medium in size, and packs a lot of power in that frame….supremely athletic and physically very powerful. He has a beautiful head, very much that of his mother’s line, nice dark colouring, dark eyes and is well put together in terms of conformation. Oleg is a nice mix of beauty and brawn!!