Seeuferhause XANTHOS – aka FRITZ
DOB: 12/09/2010
Weight: 52kgs
Hips: 1:1
Elbows: 2:2
Dentition: Scissor , Complete
Sire: Clyde vom Tanneneck (imp GMY)
Dam: Guardstarz Ronja
Xanthos aka. Fritz is a surprise package!!!
When Fritz was sold as an 8 week old puppy he was a normal puppy….now he is anything but normal….a social, well mannered, well behaved rottweiler that can be taken anywhere in public…yet, challenge him of his owners and he will reveal the beast that lies beneath the surface!
Fritz is large, just over 50kg…exceptionally strong, with a masculine head type and a muscular athletic body. Fritz has a high willingness to please and is up for anything. A calm yet assertive demeanour, which, even to those without experience portrays a inner strength that leaves no uncertainty as to what he is capable of!!
A surprise package because, raised a family pet, when stimulated expressed his genetic gifts without hesitation and with conviction, prompting the response for the highly credentialled dog trainer….“this boy is natural and loves to work!!!” Fritz is equally at home on the working field or getting a belly rub….
We hope to see the same traits in his offspring.
Photos taken March 2015
Farah vom Turnleberg (4-4)
Noris vom Gurntenblick (5 – 4,5)