I just spoke with his new owners and they tell me he is settling in very well and they are thrilled to bits with him. Very soon they will commence attending an obedience club with him, although fonze is an obedient dog the activity will only serve to strengthen their bond and trust in a much faster manner.
A heartfelt congratulations to Joy Belles and the way she handled this matter – and also a heartfelt goodluck to Fonze and his new owners.
I received a call from my good friend Joy Belles last week. She had just received notification that one of the dogs that she had bred was surrendered at the lost dogs home and if I could help to bring him home.
Unfortunately the dog was not in good condition as can be seen from the photos, and despite that, he is happy, and very social; a testament to his excellent rottweiler character!! the dog is “Rotvel The Fonz”, and he holds a special place in my heart as he is the son of my old dog Rotvel Aussie Tzachmark.

I was fortunate enough to see this dog as a 6 weeks old puppy and he showed tremendous character from that early age. I also saw the dog some 18mths ago and again he displayed the excellent stable rottweiler character. Whilst he has obviously been mistreated along the way, he holds no grudges against humanity and is now looking for a loving home where he can be part of the family and live life to the fullest.
The Fonz is 5yrs old, de-sexed and will be brought back to excellent health by Joy. He will live with Joy until he is ready for his new home – just being back home has him on the right path to full recovery. He has been brought up with children and a normal family life however was rehomed due to a change in lifestyle circumstances.
The Fonz will make an excellent family companion, one that is both social but will react accordingly if his people are threatened. Updated photos of The Fonz will be posted as he recovers and gets back to his former self.
From my perspective, a huge congratulations to Joy for displaying the type of responsibility that makes for “A Grade” breeding/breeders. Joy is forever highlighting the responsibility that we as breeders have and the fact that it extends beyond which genetic combination is likely to produce, and I for one am happy to have Joy as one of my mentors. This is also a valuable lesson for microchipping.
All enquiries re adopting this beautiful male rottweiler should be made with Joy Belles of Rotvel Rottweilers on (02) 60265367.
Hi Laurie, thanks for picking up The Fonze for me! He travelled home well and waited patiently in car while I shopped (no destructing). He is learning his name and seems a well mannered chap, is very cheerful and not at all aggressive to my other dogs, good boy! He comes out to play in the sand arena with my young bitch Nooo and does not seem to be interested in chasing my horses, good boy again! He is getting full of food and yesterday said “not MORE food?” Ha Hah, will continue to handle and evaluate this boy, he seems to be a wonderful stable fellow. Will keep you posted, cheers Joy
Well done Joy and Laurie you are true Rottie breeders who care about the breed and the dogs that you breed. It’s a shame there are not more breeders like you both out there.
From my experiences there are too many breeders who will take your money and if there are problems later they don’t want to knoiw you or give you any help. I hope you find a nice happy home for Fonze.
Best Regards
Hi Laurie and Joy, luckily, this story will have a good ending as I know Joy and Laurie will follow this lovely dog from now on. Yes, microchipping allowed this dog to be traced back to people who care for and about him. I have had Joy’s rottweilers since 1973 – three long-lived bitches and onto my fourth, plus have socialized a number of her breeding dogs to familiarize them with city living here in Melbourne, lots of people, traffic, etc. etc., so they have a fully rounded self. They have all been happy, confident, outgoing rottweilers with the strong, calm, natural temperament to protect and guard when the circumstances require. Anyway, congrats to you, Laurie for collecting the dog for Joy until she could come and collect him, and to Joy for having an unconditional lifetime guarantee on every dog and pup she sells. Sometimes, fate takes a turn for the worse and, as we can see in every dog pound, lovely dogs of all kinds can end up lost, lonely, and in very precarious circumstances. Thankfully, the Fonze was rescued by GOOD PEOPLE, and I will follow his future with great interest – with best wishes, Mara Hayler.
Good evening Joy you will have to scratch your head to remember me ! We brought Quill back in about 90 s then Unique both great dogs . I have just put to sleep my best mate Tegan she had reached 10.5 years but had developed a large tumor on front leg . a lot of water has passed under the bridge my son Jason died in 88 , and marriage broke down in 2000 .. So was on the look out for another dog and came across your story on Fonz ,yes he does look like he has had a lean time I hope you are keeping well are you still at howlong ? best wishes Gary Meades .