Quarterly newsletter – Edition 1
…from the editor
Welcome to the first edition of the Seeuferhause Rottweilers quarterly newsletter. This is my way of staying in touch with the many people that either has subscribed via the website or many others that have made direct contact with me over the years. The newsletter will give readers a deeper insight into Seeuferhause Rottweilers and many more insights into my personal philosophies related to rottweilers. I will provide much more in depth overview of the breeding program at Seeuferhause and the individual dogs that we have used in the program. I will also use the newsletter to inform of you the reader of upcoming events, litters, recommended products etc
I sincerely hope that you find this publication useful and informative. You will have access to this newsletter at least one week prior to it being published on the website. I’ll be playing catch up on a few items in this issue but promise to ensure the future editions will be current and up to date.
The last few months have been hectic at Seeuferhause to say the least!! New website, new dog, new litters and on, and on….
WEBSITE – The Seeuferhause website has been relaunched and a massive thank you needs to go out to one of our puppy people; a very special and talented individual, Mr Shane Asanuma from QLD. Shane is the proud owner of a male from the Seeuferhause “T” litter. Shane spent countless hours putting together what I believe is the best rottweiler website in the country. He also had to put up with my countless requests for changes and revisions, and he still does. You’ll find the website at the same address: www.seeuferhauserottweilers.com.au & whilst I carry out all the day to day updates/maintenance of the site, all special requests are still directed to Shane. It gives me an excuse to stay in touch and hear all about his dog Rocky and how he is going – by all accounts he is going great and shows tremendous potential! I look forward to your feedback and any suggestions for improving the site.
LITTERS – At one stage we had puppies coming out of our ears!! 3 litters (T, U & V) one after the other certainly kept us busy. Thankfully we managed to ensure they all went to loving homes both here and interstate. Two of three litters were the first of our 2nd generation breedings and they lived up to our expectations, so now for the long road to becoming the adult dogs that showed they would be as puppies. One of the litters; “U”, was the repeat of the “R” litter and we certainly saw the super temperament this time around that we saw the first time. A super prospect is now with Paul Cree and his family as is a female on breeders’ terms with the Frank family in NSW.
NEW DOG – Boris Z Lebedova Dvora SCH/IPO II (Denny) joined us just before Christmas. This is a super strong male import from Slovakia, out of full German breeding. This dog represents some of the strongest working lines ever to grace the shores of Oz. Denny is interesting in the fact that he becomes stronger the more pressure that you put on him. He is extreme in his drives and has a crushing grip. My recent trip to Germany justified our decision to acquire this dog. I visited the vom Amtsbach kennel that owns 2 of the last progeny from Denny’s sire Quantus vom Haus Anin – both of these dogs can only be described as extreme. More info on Denny can be seen on his page: http://www.seeuferhauserottweilers.com.au/male-dogs/boris-aka-denny/ STOP PRESS: we have just had our first Boris puppy from Von Zennith Falke (Colt von den Golan Hohen X Von Zennith Adolfa); Willi is coming along nicely and is showing the strength I expect from these lines. I’ll keep you posted on his development.
ROCKY VOM ALLNATAL – we have just received the official, certified copy of Rocky’s OFA report, which will now be submitted to Dogs Vic to ensure that we can use this important dog via his frozen semen. Rocky represents some very “old working blood” that is becoming extinct at a fast pace. Keep an eye out for a planned breeding with Rocky over the next year. The results of the report are great and will be posted on Rocky’s page soon as Dogs Vic confirm acceptance. You can find more information on Rocky at his page http://www.seeuferhauserottweilers.com.au/frozen-semen/rocky-vom-allnatal/
SPONSORSHIP – On May 9th & 10th, Seeuferhause Rottweilers is one of the major sponsors of the Australian Service Dog Association, 2010 National Service Dog trials. This is exciting for us as it puts us amongst the people that are the end user group of service dogs in this country. This is a tremendous opportunity to network and try to lift the Rottweiler profile amongst that community. I’ll be sure to provide some detailed information / photos in the next edition.
FORTHCOMING LITTERS – We have 2 litters on the verge of hitting the ground in the next 2 weeks. Seeuferhause Jutta is pregnant to Boris, and Von Zennith Shakira is pregnant to Clyde. http://www.seeuferhauserottweilers.com.au/litters/seeuferhause-planned-litters/
both of these litters bring together descendants of the Aki line which for us is exciting as we believe that this line, once developed will produce very string working rottweilers, and in future will combine very well with our Noris / Graf line.
Boris X Jutta – this litter is one that we have very high expectations from. I anticipate that the progeny from litter will be physically strong, and very strong in temperament. The look will be that of dark markings, pigment and eyes; very muscular, medium sized dogs. I expect head types to be strong and as mentioned before, high prey very dynamic temperaments and super strong nerves suitable for any application. We have had very strong demand for this litter, so if you are interested please contact me to secure your puppy. Another very interesting and exciting aspect of this breeding is that Jutta is the first Seeuferhause “breeders terms” female to be included in our breeding program – testament to the fact that when good people are involved things can be a great success!!
Clyde X Shakira – this litter is very exciting in that it brings together 2 descendants of the Aki line, and in particular through a Linebreeding on one of Aki’s most successful / potent sons; Hero vom Hohegeiss, via the understated / underused Basko vom Obergrombacher Schloss. I expect this litter to produce large, strong very substantial rottweilers. Markings will be dark, as will the pigment and I also expect good strong heads and bone. The drive characteristics should be: high drive, high prey and super grips, high levels of aggression and strong nerves.
Below I have listed some links to articles of interest on our webpage. Some of these you may have already read on the site, if not please enjoy….
MERCHANDISE – on the website you can find some rottweiler specific merchandise that may be of interest. http://www.seeuferhauserottweilers.com.au/about-seeuferhause-rottweilers/k9-products-accessories/
In addition to this we have produced some Seeuferhause T-shirts and baseball caps that are also available to buy if you like them. You will find them on the page listed above.
PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSION – every now and again I will list some topics for discussion, for which I will express my views and welcome the view of the readers also. Please feel free to provide your feedback and I will post the responses (anonymously) for all to see in the following newsletter and the webpage, I will also then provide a detailed article explaning my point of view which will be available on the webpage for all to read – I think this will be an effective manner of sharing knowledge and information.
this edition’s topic;
SHARPNESS; is there a place for it within the temperament characteristics of the modern rottweiler?
My view, an overwhelming YES!!
Now let’s discuss this a little………