Exciting news for Seeuferhause Rottweilers for 2016!!!!
For years now we have been concentrating on developing our working rottweiler genepool.
This has been accomplished through the use of:
– our imported stud dog Clyde vom Tanneneck (imp GMY)
– the robust, and high drive bloodlines of Rasmus vom Turnleberg
– a couple of AI breedings, and of course
– our foundation bitch lines from The Rotvel Kennel
Considered breedings and combinations have seen the quality of the progeny improve significantly; however, in order to maintain & continue this improvement in a positive manner we will introduce “new blood” to the program in 2016!
For those that wonder what I do after a hard days work, and looking after the dogs….here it is…..I surf & trawl websites like working dog eu, ADRK, etc and study and research pedigrees to find the best lines to compliment and enhance what we currently have in place.
This search has culminated in the impending import of a number of new stud dogs, via frozen semen. The specimens are impeccable descendants from some of the hardest, most successful working bloodlines from the German ADRK system.
Each of the dogs listed below will have their own page created on the Seeuferhause webpage with all the relevant details, however this is a sneak peek of the quality we are bringing to Australia.
At this time I want to say a big thank you to my friend Sonny Nguyen (SANEHAUS ROTTWEILERS) who has been inspired by the dream and vision and has chosen to be a part of it.
Below is (2) of the dogs that we are importing via Frozen Semen; these two, Bakko and Butch are two of the hardest hitting rottweilers that you can hope to see…..speed and power! Unbelievable long courage tests and working drives for days!!!!
BAKKO Van Thuredrecht, BH, IPOI, FHI (aka Phry), (imp Holland via USA) owned by Kathleen Sanderson (USA)
Sire: Attila vom Nimwegener Land (Holland), BH, AD, IPOIII
Dam: Caja vom Turnleberg (GMY), VZH, IPOIII, SPH 1

BUTCH Von Der Wichtelhausern, BH, IPOIII, BST (aka Mater), (imp GMY via USA) owned by A.J Pepper (USA)
Sire: Gero vom Schwingbach (GMY), BH, AD, IPOIII, VPGIII, FHI
Dam: Donna vom Schwingbach (GMY), BH, AD, IPOII, UPr3

There will be a couple more to show off at a later date
Congrats on the forward momentum Seeuferhause.